These include concerts, comedians, singers, council meetings and corporate events.
The program included comedians, musicians, entertaining films (such as a film of dance in South America), and a long, live commercial for the sponsor's products.
Guests include popular musicians, actors, and fellow comedians.
The event included live music, comedians, and belly dancers.
In addition to these, the performance also included musicians, magicians, comedians, acrobats and other artists.
It largely works with musical talent, but has branched out in recent years to include actors and comedians.
The other shows include music of all genres, comedians, and films shown on the Walturdaw screen.
The remainder of the cast included character actors and comedians:
In the past, this has included bands, comedians, games, and parties.
The guests are different every episode and have included comedians, British nobility, and journalists.