Violations included improper employment, extra benefits, unethical conduct and lack of institutional control.
Security problems in its parking lot, he said, have included vandalism, drug possession and disorderly conduct.
At least 20 people were arrested on charges that included rioting and disorderly conduct, the police said.
Such errors, she said, would include questionable conduct of a prosecutor, pretrial publicity and a judge's charge to a jury.
It does not include conduct which amounts to a company taking advantage of a substantial degree of market power.
This concept is not limited to magical or overtly religious behavior, but includes also one's day-to-day life and conduct.
It includes conduct that interferes with public health, safety, peace or convenience.
"On the one hand, it includes conduct that we all know to be stalking, while at the same time protecting innocent people from being arrested."
A religious code of ethics was also published by the local government, which included conduct on holidays for the entire town.
Bank Board officials say that 75 percent of the thrift insolvencies include fraud or criminal conduct.