The first stage, until 1935, included constructing of water obstacles and 12 light bunkers.
This included constructing winding paths, replace lighting, and expanding the canal to a lake.
Further alterations in 1854 included constructing a long entrance hall (since partly demolished), which protruded from the east face.
The project also includes constructing a dedicated flyover ramp over I-75 towards State Road 56.
This included constructing some incredible water control gates.
The crafts will include constructing baskets, masks and amulets.
This included constructing a "swimming pool" eight feet on a side, packed with photo sensors.
Non-professional pursuits include constructing wood furniture and reading modern fiction.
The expense of running the camps, which included constructing barracks, was quite high.
This included constructing two roundabouts in place of the usual cloverleaf pattern.