In endocrinology, medical emergencies include diabetic ketoacidosis, hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state, hypoglycemic coma, acute adrenocortical insufficiency, phaeochromocytoma crisis, hypercalcemic crisis, thyroid storm, myxoedema coma and pituitary apoplexy.
The report includes a review of the 2008 recession and financial crisis which affected the ability of minority businesses to secure the capital they need to establish and grow their businesses.
Issues discussed include the national roadmap, piracy, humanitarian crisis, frontline state military interventions, Diaspora remittance challenges and community development issues.
Those developments have included wholesale change in the Soviet Union, the Eastern bloc nations and Nicaragua, and deepening crisis in Cuba, which has long been a principal ally of the Salvadoran guerrilla cause.
Certain aspects that strengthen the magnitude of tactical media can include crisis, criticism, critique, or absurdity-in order to convey a social message.
These collaborations include, among others, the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database at Emory University, the UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and social crisis mapping such as Ushahidi.