In a typical business, the entities could include jobs, customers, departments, and suppliers.
International markets include buyers in other countries and includes customers from the previous categories.
This usually lasts a long period of time and the participants can include customers, partners, or anyone who is not familiar with the producing company.
This may include suppliers, manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, and final customers.
When they first became widely available in 1995, the lines sometimes cost less than $20,000 a month; buyers included corporate customers and Internet service providers.
These factors include competitors, customers, distribution channels, suppliers, and the general public.
These might include market research, staff, customers, suppliers, the media and universities.
Examples of entities outside the organization include suppliers, customers, and competitors.
This includes employees, subcontractors, visitors, customers and even members of the public affected by your products or services.
What was once a neighborhood clientele, he said, has grown to include customers from around the county.