The investors, which he said he would identify this week, include other Wall Street firms, dealers, banks, private investors and the firm's partners.
Sellers include several hundred homeowners, area businesses, and professional dealers and vendors.
Staff available for hire include hitmen, guards, dealers and hosts.
Its customer base includes wholesalers, retail dealers and individual growers in more than 40 countries.
While the show, which opens to the public tomorrow, still tips heavily toward the decorative arts, it also includes several dealers who specialize in paintings.
Other retail distributors of this type include local independent dealers and street gangs.
Commercial sales are made through an indirect channel, which includes dealers and partners throughout the world.
The committee includes dealers, scholars, museum curators and members of the Calder family.
This, he explained, included all the wild-animal importers and dealers in the country.
The investigation, which began with a tip in January, has widened to include other dealers and collectors.