An advisory council that includes delegates from labor and management is another means by which students are introduced to groups that may choose them later on.
The conference organizers hope to include delegates from throughout the Balkans, making this the first large cross-border meeting since the wars began.
The convention was the second Democratic National Convention to include female delegates.
The initial meeting included delegates from thirty-two national Jewish organizations.
It often includes warships and delegates from other national navies.
The congress also included several white delegates who were invited, one black organizer said, because it was felt they could work effectively toward the goals of the group.
Also, since the 19th century, fleet reviews increasingly often include delegates from other national navies.
Nordic conferences on the environment in the 2000s have included delegates from Scotland.
The General Assembly includes delegates from national academies and physical societies from 60 countries around the world.
Participants included official representatives and delegates from 140 countries including 120 mayors and 150 legislators, and 78 Ministers.