Part of the systems analysis process includes determining the goals of the system.
Specific projects include determining why it sometimes does not work as expected and the process by which some chemotherapeutic drugs activate p53.
Part of the tussle includes determining how best to illustrate complex war scenes.
These efforts included determining legislative, outreach, and policy strategies for the first several months of a possible Romney administration.
Other functions of the discourse community include determining what makes a novel argument and what a 'fact' is.
This will include determining the warranties they require from the management.
Her responsibilities include determining which legal issues to press and what position the Government will take.
This can include determining the nutritional, health, age or injury status of the individual the bones were taken from.
Duties always include determining the cause, time, and manner of death.
It is also involved in several functions of the body, which include determining what and where memories are stored in the brain.