The experience of cancer pain is complex and includes physical, psychosocial, and spiritual dimensions.
Second, by including multiple dimensions, Black's model allows for consideration of each variable while holding others constant.
The range of sizes include analytical, semi-preparative and preparative dimensions.
These measures include political, organizational, and functional dimensions of scaling up, and the need to nurture local organizations.
To be sure, Ellis includes additional dimensions in his analysis.
Being more than simply present location, it must also include other dimensions and their interdependencies.
With a parametric approach, data files include parameters, dimensions, features, and relationships that capture intended behavior.
His research areas include supersymmetric standard model, extra dimensions and general relativity.
The term "transnational" is thus expansive; it includes both the international and comparative dimensions of law.
Although the method is generally characterized as qualitative research, it can (and often does) include quantitative dimensions.