Bipedalism evolved more than once in archosaurs, the group that includes both dinosaurs and crocodilians.
The clade includes most theropod dinosaurs, as well as birds.
Past exhibits include mummies from Egypt and dinosaurs from China.
Popular subjects commonly written about include frogs, dinosaurs, pterosaurs and cryptozoology.
The archosaurs include Crocodylia, dinosaurs, birds, and a few extinct orders.
Go's enemies include dinosaurs which are telepathically controlled by the aliens.
Their prey may have included fish, sharks, ichthyosaurs, dinosaurs and other plesiosaurs.
The following taxonomy includes dinosaurs currently referred to the Hadrosauridae and its subfamilies.
It included dinosaurs and ice age creatures, as well as prehistoric themed items.
Although named after the stone age, it has included dinosaurs and other animals that were extinct long before the stone age.