Questions on the table have included emissions limits, disclosure of equipment rollouts, and transmitter perimeter sizes.
That report should include full disclosure of how much every business and news executive involved in this decision stands to make from the merger.
Certainly these changes have to include full disclosure of all arms facilities and suppliers and agreement to intrusive inspections for years to come.
His litigation rules included early disclosure of positions, establishment of firm case deadlines, and sanctions for parties abusing the discovery process.
Would having full, informed consent about a clinical trial include disclosure of placebo use?
He said that while the Soviet procedure includes unabashed disclosure of offenders, American custom is more discreet.
These situations include courtroom battles, regulation of product testing, and financial disclosure.
This finance reform initiative included caps on spending and contributions, as well as full disclosure of funds.
Exhibits are not 'merely exhibits' or accessories but are important documents in their own right and must include proper, complete disclosure.
To be believable, the legislation should include Congressional investigation and disclosure of all the cases the Clinton Administration knew about, but would not act on.