The parents also often have problems, which may include mental disturbances or drug abuse.
Environmental concerns over the proposal include noise pollution, visual impact and ecological disturbance.
Other threats include disturbances by humans and toxic accidents like oil spills.
Symptoms include fever, headache, stiff neck and, in serious cases, disturbances of the nervous system.
The main threats to this species' habitat include agriculture, mining, logging, and human disturbances such as fire.
These include disturbances of tooth development, and of sexual development.
Threats in most areas include human disturbance, feral pigs, and invasive weeds.
Other reasons for their potential placement on this list include disease, habitat destruction, and disturbance at breeding colonies by humans.
More localised threats include floods in spring, and disturbance by roads or wind farms.
Other effects include vertigo and visual or auditory disturbances.