The syllabus will include radiological and chemical emergencies and evacuation drills.
Areas covered include respiratory, cardiovascular, medical, and traumatic emergencies, as well as the treatment of children with special health care requirements.
Queeg went on, "As I see it, Mr. Maryk-maybe your insight is more profound than mine-my responsibility doesn't include emergencies arising from defective gear.
This programme carries up to 80 hours of CPD and subject areas covered include medical emergencies, infection control, radiography and dental materials.
These risks, or adverse events, may include emergencies, crises, disasters, or incidents that disrupt normal business activity.
Exceptions to the curfew include work, activities with parents, school activities and emergencies.
Other less frequent rerouting culprits include emergencies, flooding and police investigations.
Examples of humanitarian crises include armed conflicts, epidemics, famine, natural disasters and other major emergencies.
The training simulations include system failures and emergencies that are very realistic.
Let's hope that Van wasn't right and today's load doesn't include sudden emergencies.