Members of this club included Japanese expatriates, plus a European American woman named Wilma Berger.
Ultimately, ten teams were selected to participate in the race; the cast included expatriates in Thailand and Hong Kong and Indian models.
In addition to high net worth individuals and their families, Sovereign's clients include expatriates, entrepreneurs and businesses of all sizes.
American casualties came from a variety of backgrounds and include government officials, humanitarian workers, Christian missionaries, and expatriates living in Haiti.
This includes Portugal's former colonies and Portuguese expatriates worldwide.
The list below includes Portuguese immigrants and expatriates in the United Kingdom, who are not official UK citizens, just residents.
A review of the definition of "Foreign Investor" to include Iranian expatriates provided that their investment capital originates from abroad.
Clearly many of the accounts listed by the banks today did not belong to European Jews; the names include Americans, Japanese, and expatriates living in China, among others.
These welcomed guests included spies, traitors, refugees, priests, exiles and expatriates, anyone who could provide him with intelligence.
The unit was first settled in Syria and included several Iraqi expatriates, and Syrian arabs.