Gender of rearing includes both conscious and unconscious expectations and treatment of the child.
The constructs of this theory include discloser, relational expectations, and perceived rewards or costs in the relationship.
These include: conspicuity, mental workload, expectations, and capacity.
These included the widespread anticipation of a recession later this year or in early 1989 and expectations of lower interest rates, at least for the near term.
Factors of poor family socialization include low parental expectations and a parent's lack of education.
These factors include absenteeism, grade retention, special education placement, low performance and grades, and low educational expectations.
Considerations should include expectations about the stock price, the relative attractiveness of the option premium and other factors.
These include the neoclassical assumptions of rational choice theory, a representative agent, and, often, rational expectations.
It may include high expectations, forms of knowledge, skill, and education, among other things.
Individual characteristics of the student: this includes the beliefs, goals, expectations, and motives of the student.