Gross private domestic investment includes expenditures on goods that are expected to be used for an extended period of time, I in the definition.
These totals included expenditures for station personnel at the group and district levels.
The accounting cost of attending college includes tuition, room and board, books, food, and other incidental expenditures while there.
These costs include increased expenditures on medical treatment, police services, criminal justice system, and social services.
This section includes all receipts and expenditures of the named office for the quarter.
But the 6.5 percent is deceptive, for it includes Asian, strategic nuclear and other expenditures.
This could include expenditures for hiring a collection agency.
The proposal must include estimated revenues and expenditures and the proposed tax rates.
These totals reflect the campaign accounts of the candidates themselves, and do not include independent expenditures by other groups.
These reports are to include expenditures and staffing.