Fauna of the mountain includes whitetail deer, mule deer, falcons, and even black bears.
Despite a television buildup that included Maltese falcons, the weeks leading to the summit meeting must have aroused forebodings in the network news departments.
Predators include badgers, coyotes, snakes, falcons and hawks.
Birds that are specialized predators of birds include certain accipiters and falcons.
Their natural predators include hawks, falcons, wolves, bears, and lynxes.
Natural predators include eagle owls, buzzards, falcons, and red foxes.
Threatened and endangered species that have used the refuge include bald eagles, peregrine falcons, and Louisiana black bear.
Other faunal bone remains include hawks and falcons.
Birds include bald eagles, peregrine falcons and brown pelicans.
Some of the migratory species include pelicans, storks, buzzards and falcons.