The event no longer focused exclusively on comics, but expanded to include science fiction, fantasy, horror, steam punk and other genres.
Others believe that St Paul includes fantasy when he condemns works of the flesh such as "immorality" or "uncleanness."
His work includes figurative paintings and portraits, children's book illustration, and fantasy.
"If we're going to include fantasy," said Ditmar, "a time machine."
Her published works include fantasy and historical fiction novels, as well as numerous short stories.
The figures shown in Alvarez's paintings include dolls, animals, fantasy creatures and humans.
The writing genres of its members include mainly science fiction, fantasy, horror, and mystery.
Popular subjects in folk metal include paganism, nature, fantasy, mythology and history.
Speculative fiction includes the science fiction, fantasy, alternative history, and horror genres.
Her novels and shorter works include paranormal, fantasy, and contemporary fiction.