The school provides many activities which include drama, fencing, golf, archery, and games in the woods.
Some of the sports held in these locations include basketball, wrestling, fencing, and others.
The ground has been redeveloped to include concrete fencing, a car park and club facilities.
The land sports in addition to the usual flat races will include fencing, wrestling and boxing.
Their elite traditions still include academic fencing and dueling scars.
Planned additions include stadium lighting, a press box, fencing, and new dugouts.
Activities include basketball, tennis, golf, fencing, cooking, computers and ceramics.
These can be seen alongside many trails and include fencing, dense vegetation, or signage.
Other changes included new fencing and gates so that the park could be locked at night.
There are separate programs for children 3 to 15, which include crafts, fencing and drama.