These areas are typically mixed conifer stands that include Douglas-fir, hemlock, western red cedar, and noble fir.
Especially chill choices include eucalyptus, pine, and fir.
Choices include walnut, bamboo, fir, formaldehyde-free plywood and Durat, a tough countertop material made of recycled plastic.
Specimens include showy windmill palms, cork oak and Nigerian fir.
The composition of forests is various; mostly oak or beech, but the rest include fir, willow, acacia and plane.
Trees in the monument include Douglas-fir, oak, white fir, and alder.
Trees include fir, pine, oak, arbutus and willow.
Other vegetation include beech and fir.
The three principal timbers included fir, pine, and cedar.
Tree species include western red cedar, yellow cedar, mountain hemlock and fir.