The second phase is to include 10 million more people: additional health workers, as well as firefighters, police and emergency medical personnel.
The $95 billion New York City pension fund, which includes the city's teachers, police and firefighters, lost $100 million.
They include teachers, firefighters, transit employees and ambulance and sanitation workers.
A second phase of inoculations is to include 10 million more people: health care workers, firefighters, police and emergency personnel.
Participants have included medical professionals, firefighters, tradesmen, engineers, students, retired school teachers and virtually every other occupation.
They will be part of an honor guard that will also include firefighters and police officers.
These groups include physicians, firefighters, soldiers and people working in emergency medical services.
This includes firefighters, rescue services, emergency response vehicles for public utilities and civil defense units.
This figure includes firefighters who were aboard Grandcamp when it exploded.
Its eclectic participants also include students, police officers, firefighters and construction workers.