The SSSI listing includes flora and fauna biological interest too.
Native plants generally include indigenous flora found in a geographic location prior to European settlement.
The wildlife of the Democratic Republic of the Congo includes its fauna and flora.
Semenawi Bahri National park is not well known to international and domestic tourists, however, its sights include rich flora and wildlife, specifically bird-watching.
Includes all of the island's 11 endemic plant species, as well as other rare flora and fauna.
Mali's stamp represented local issues include economic activities, flora and fauna, traditions.
Popular topics included royalty, flora and fauna, and geographical/man-made structures from around the world.
Suess proposed the name biosphere for the conditions promoting life, such as those found on Earth, which includes flora, fauna, minerals, matter cycles, et cetera.
Subjects of the sketches include landscapes, flora and fauna, everyday life and the supernatural.
This includes landforms, flora, fauna and human elements, for instance human activity or the built environment.