This year's address included an offer of county assistance for rehabilitation or new development.
Planning included space for residential, commercial, and industrial development and addressed the needs of education, recreation, and faith communities.
The program included 20 robotic launches for development and testing of equipment.
The latest quarter included a $19 million Federal tax credit for research and development.
This included support for development of alternative sources of energy such as wind, ethanol, and biofuels.
It does not include support for development or authoring of tests.
Data virtualization software may include functions for development, operation, and/or management.
"How many amendments and provisions does your bill include for development on Tellar?"
Four of the six Gunderson properties within the eventual boundary had not been included for development under the original proposal.
At one point the crash program included a $400 million facility at Livermore for rapid development of the new technology.