While she did not reveal her schedule for 2007, she said it would include more forays against the men.
He received "outstanding" reviews for his work, which included late-night forays to newsrooms around Manhattan to swap the first editions of The Times for those of its competitors.
Sport coverage has included forays into the NCAA scene, notably the Rose Bowl and the NCAA Basketball Tournament.
PK's a cappella repertoire consists mainly of classical music, ranging from the Romantic era to contemporary works, and also includes occasional forays to other genres such as jazz.
It included forays into video art, digital media, and stand-up comedy.
In all, the reader is struck by the extraordinary range of James's analyses, which also include forays into physics and mathematics.
These included forays into bitonality and non-functional, parallel harmony.
The Iverson package still includes breathtaking forays to the basket, unrehearsed moments in which he admits that he has no idea what he is going to do before he takes flight.
The choir's recordings do not include oratorios or forays on the frontiers of polyphony.