The Jukebox includes recordings from the extraordinary collections of the Library of Congress Packard Campus for Audio Visual Conservation and other contributing libraries and archives.
It offers services such as the drafting of bibliographic references on specialized subjects and bibliographic exchange allowing data gathering that includes journal articles and other documents from libraries in Colombia and around the world.
Data gathered during the project's timeline included various documents from libraries and archives in Portugal, India and the United Kingdom and also material gathered first-hand directly at the sites, through the project's field missions.
Its 200 members include librarians and support staff from public and school libraries, from college and university libraries and from special libraries as well as library trustees and users.
The American Memory collection primarily includes documents from the Library of Congress, whereas the Papers of George Washington includes copies of documents from small and large American repositories, private collectors, and international libraries.
The list includes everything from libraries and airport waiting rooms to video arcades and grocery stores.
As of September 2008, Google Books does not provide a simple, direct means to find each volume of this media set, and appears to include scanned copies of different volumes from different libraries and copyright dates from 1914-1917.
The bibliography, "Chinese Cookbooks" (Garland Publishing, 1987; $47), also includes books from other collections and libraries.
The site includes lists from 19 museums, libraries and archives in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod and several other cities.