At the same time, the rich cultural life included active theatres, concerts, and banned religious gatherings, all of which countered official attempts at dehumanization.
Paper airplane day celebrations typically include social gatherings at which participants create and fly paper airplanes.
These arrangements included culture camps and social gatherings, with a main focus on adoptive families and their children.
Common activities on a terrace include relaxation, social gatherings, sunbathing, gardening, and outdoor cooking.
Its activities include talks, museum visits and social gatherings.
Fraternity events include: Bible studies, prayer meetings, formals, social gatherings, service projects, fundraisers and much more.
Events held at the latter included local gatherings, lectures, musical performances, and moving pictures.
The festival includes film screenings, workshops and social gatherings.
Zaum activities included public gatherings, demonstrations, and publications.
The building included facilities for education, social gatherings and auxiliary groups, and an auditoriumlike sanctuary with mixed seating.