Other harassment women have encountered include provocative gestures, jeering, getting 'accidentally' bumped into on the street and being followed.
This process may include gestures such as allowing increased amounts of privacy and extending trust.
These include gestures like putting grand cru labels on ordinary wine or providing bad service to German officers in restaurants.
The Tone Dance includes various movements and gestures that change with current events.
The vigor of the first section includes heightened gestures (hand to ear), hops on the beat and fervent shifting floor patterns.
New features include gestures and pen flicks.
Advanced features include pressure sensitivity and special gestures such as scrolling by moving one's finger along an edge.
White House aides suggest that the month will include several gestures intended to highlight his agenda in the face of the Republican advance.
Examples of unaided systems include gestures, body language, sign language, and communication boards.
This includes gestures and other non-verbal communication that tend to vary from culture to culture.