This included granting episcopal lands to his military followers.
This include granting publication licenses for periodicals and books.
Elements of the agreement specifically relevant to Parliament include granting all three parties the right to appoint one minister who is not a Member of Parliament.
Mr. Rizzo's fiscal policies included granting most city workers a 12.8 percent pay increase just before the 1975 primary.
A Mayor's powers include granting building permits and licenses for bars, discos and other new businesses.
Contingency sponsorship can sometimes also include granting the right for the sponsor to use images of the driver and their car in promotional literature and advertising.
Other changes include granting more points to those who successfully carry multiple kinds of loans (e.g., mortgages, car loans and credit cards.)
This included granting monks the right to build new churches, as well as other charters.
Mikhail's pro-Novgorod legislation included granting the town officials some of the prince's power: he permitted the boyars to appoint their own judges.
Reforms that could include granting women the right to vote have been kicked down the road until 1992.