Other items include locks, keys, razors, a scale, weights, chisels, hammers, pickaxes, buckets, finger rings, surgical instruments, seal boxes, a stylus, cauldrons, casseroles, spoons, and amphorae.
Recovered tools made of stone, bone and shell include hammers, anvils, knives, scrapers, awls, drills, choppers and grinders.
George B. DeArment's two sons, Almon W. and J. Howard DeArment, became partners in the company in 1911 and expanded the product line again to include hammers.
They include chisels, pliers, tongs, scissors, shears, punches, mallets, various anvils and hammers which are used to shape and emboss the pieces.
These products include hammers, grates, rotor caps, liners and other key components for various types of recycling equipment.
Common obstacles include vertical pistons, swinging hammers, trampolines, swinging ropes, metal climbing chains, conveyor belts of varying speed and direction, collapsing floors, levitation platforms, and paintballs.
These include stone vessels, pottery, hammers and a potter's wheel.
These include the strings, pinblock, bridges, soundboard and ribs, hammers, and action.
Large amounts of debetage litter the area and tools found include Axeheads, hammers, blades, dowles and other boring tools and multipuprpose flints such as scrapers.
The equipment the miners wanted to obtain included short-handled hammers, chisels, scoops, and shovels.