It might be tough for A&M's football program to establish itself as a powerhouse in the SEC West, which includes heavyweights such as Alabama, Auburn, Arkansas and LSU.
But the vast ambitions of the Animal Medical Center, a nine-story complex at 510 East 62d Street whose board includes social heavyweights like William E. Simon and Barbara Walters, are being sorely tested.
They also include heavyweights like Susie Tompkins Buell of California, the multimillionaire co-founder of Esprit clothing who has donated hundreds of thousands to Democrats, and Alan Patricoff, the New York venture capitalist.
(That group includes heavyweights like the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Carnegie Hall, and smaller organizations like the Staten Island Historical Society.)
The companies include such heavyweights as the International Business Machines Corporation, the Coca-Cola Company and the General Electric Company.
These influences include heavyweights such as Metallica, Pantera and Slipknot, while including bands such as Dream Theatre as well as artists from the jazz and classical genres as well.
These acts include such heavyweights as Korn, the Deftones, Disturbed, Limp Bizkit and Linkin Park.
"I think I would have surprised a lot of people," he says of a hypothetical Democratic primary that might have included heavyweights like former Representative Geraldine A. Ferraro and Robert Abrams, the State Attorney General.
The contest includes fellow heavyweights Danny Williams, Michael Sprott and Audley Harrison - whom Belshaw faced at the quarter final stage.
The Nasdaq 100 average, a grouping that includes heavyweights like Apple Computer and Microsoft, fell by 1 percent.