Medium-risk threats on the list included herbicides and pesticides, acid rain, pollution of surface water and airborne toxic substances.
A middle rank includes herbicides and pesticides, pollution of surface waters, acid precipitation and airborne toxic substances.
Other threats include fire, herbicides, pesticides, and climate change.
Other threats include herbicides and predation by the weevil Macrohoptus sidalceae.
Threats to the species include poaching, road maintenance, herbicides, quarrying, logging, and recreational activity.
Threats to this species include overgrazing, herbicides, and habitat loss and degradation.
Pesticides, also called "crop protection chemicals", are about 10 percent of this category and include herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides.
Pesticides, which includes biological and chemical herbicides, insecticides and fungicides are available.
Threats to this rare species include housing development, agriculture and grazing, herbicides, introduced species, and nickel mining.
Other threats include quarry mining, herbicides and surface runoff, mowing, and weeds.