During fights, available punches to be thrown include jabs, hooks, crosses and uppercuts.
These singles typically feature just the radio edit of the song, but may also include alternate remix edits, the original album version, or even call-out hooks.
These items included ladders, hooks, a yoga ball, and a key which, unbeknownst to teams, would unlock a door halfway up that contained an extra ladder.
The Pirates minifigures also included hooks for hands, as well as peg legs; this was the first departure from the traditional body parts.
Aleut fishing technology included fish spears, weirs, nets, hooks, and lines.
Another typical trait is some of the tracks include hooks, such as in "Jo-Anna Says" which has guitar riffs and lyrical repetition.
The application programmer (working in C or another systems language) includes "hooks" where the scripting language can control the application.
Their only hunting kit included hooks, lines, harpoons, and lances with chipped stone points.
It includes two condiment shelves and an enclosed storage cart, as well as hooks on the side that are handy for handing utensils.
The bronze objects include ornaments, spearheads, axes and adzes, hooks, blades, and little bells.