M-1 includes currency in circulation, traveler's checks and checking accounts.
However, the freedom to include such information in statutory accounts will often mean that the first limb of the definition will not be met.
M-2 includes currency in circulation, checking accounts and certain savings accounts.
However, in reality, the aggregate includes more than just gross wages, at least in national accounts and balance of payments statistics.
Included in legendary accounts of the Ubar region are reports of fertile oases, and areas that have known the plow.
Tax shelters include investments or deposits in accounts that are not heavily taxed, such as retirement accounts.
Very precise details of names and locations have been included in accounts of dybbuk possession.
But Dr. Nordhaus notes that many important factors are not included in economic accounts.
Unfortunately, this contribution is not included in national statistics and accounts.
A number of examples are included in biblical accounts.