These included murder, suicide, incest, drugs, adultery, prostitution, mental health problems and homosexuality.
He added, "I would not do it again," saying he supported a ban that included exceptions for rape, incest and to save the life of the mother.
The reported counts included only father-daughter incest and did not include prevalence of other forms of child sexual abuse.
Its long list of crimes begins with a double murder and includes incest, matricide, a botched Mexican abortion and several more murders.
Modern historians view the charges against her, which included adultery, incest, and witchcraft, as unconvincing.
Primary themes include marriage, adultery, and incest within a group of civilized and educated people.
It includes more than the overt physical beatings, injuries, and sexual incest or molestation we commonly associate with the term.
Bit by bit Quoyle learns of his brutal family history, which includes piracy, murder, incest and rape.
But last week the House voted to expand that rule to include rape and incest.
Some of the examples include murder, rape, incest, or child molestation.