This includes injection into the skin for tattooing or permanent makeup.
Reported side-effects include injection site reactions, rash, and rarely toxic epidermal necrolysis.
"The governor is in the process of considering other options that include lethal injection," Ms. Ross said.
The treatment options include injection of an anticoagulant, thrombolysis, embolectomy, surgical revascularisation, or amputation.
Complications associated with brachial plexus block include intra-arterial or intravenous injection, which can lead to local anesthetic toxicity.
Products manufactured include remote controls, degaussing coils and injection molded parts.
All petrol engine models include direct injection.
Zailin is the brand name for the Company's line of generic prescription amoxicillin antibiotics, which includes capsules, dispersible tablets, granules and injection.
Treatment may include intravenous fluids, blood transfusions, injection of medicines, and in some cases surgery to remove the diseased part of the colon.
This version does not include direct injection, but does include Dual VVT-i.