"Smart thinking to include cooking instructors, as well as restaurant chefs."
Can include commissioned officers or non-uniformed instructors.
Prices range from $45 (one dive) to $80 (two dives) daily and include refreshments, all equipment and instructors.
These professionals include road safety officers, the police, fire service and armed forces, and driving instructors.
This includes instructors at the grade/elementary school, middle school, and high school levels.
Involvement includes monetary donations, equipment to supply firearms ranges, and instructors to assist in their programs.
It includes pilots, navigators, bombardiers, maintenance and support staff, instructors and all the personnel who kept the planes in the air.
Instructors include Maestros from neighboring groups, student members who have learned dances at different dance conferences, and instructors who have previously been in the group.
Participants include both students and instructors.
The voting faculty of Caltech include all professors, instructors, research associates and fellows, and the University Librarian.