Sea Shepherd operations have included interdiction against commercial fishing, shark poaching in the Caribbean, Canadian seal hunting, and whaling.
Missions may include interdiction of tanker fleets, stopping amphibious landing forces, eliminating Soviet Wolf pack submarines and many others.
Missions of the 3d TFW included close air support, counterinsurgency, forward air control, interdiction, and radar-controlled bombing.
The unit's primary missions included air strike control, close air support, interdiction, joint air attack team, escort, and combat search and rescue.
At Ubon, the 8th TFW's mission included bombardment, ground support, air defense, interdiction, and armed reconnaissance.
Sea Shepherd operations have included interdiction against commercial fishing, shark poaching and finning, seal hunting and whaling.
Its mission included close air support, counterinsurgency, forward air control, interdiction and radar-controlled bombing.
Wing combat missions in Korea included interdiction of enemy communications and support of United Nations ground forces.
This really deserves our unequivocal support, being a comprehensive strategy that includes interdiction, public information, prosecution of known drug dealers and the promotion of local development.
HIDTA's priorities include: intelligence, investigation, interdiction, prosecution, and support.