In 50% of all cases of primary tumor is gastrointestinal tract, other common sites include the breast, ovaries, bronchus and kidney.
These tissues include skin, liver, kidney and lungs.
Offal, or variety meats, includes liver, kidney, tripe, tongue, brain, sweetbreads and other internal organs.
Other less common sites of origin include the prostate, kidney, thyroid, skin, colon and blood or bone marrow.
Other uses include high blood pressure, diabetes, hay fever, improving kidney and digestive function, and increasing urine flow.
Other choices include kidney, brains, steaks and chops, and I've yet to find a loser among them.
Organs that have been simulated by microfluidic devices include the heart, the lung, kidney, artery, bone, cartilage, skin and more.
Organs most often affected by amyloidosis include the heart, liver, kidney, skin, and certain nerves, but any organ system may be involved.
Non-communicable diseases include cancer, cardiovascular, kidney, respiratory, liver, diabetes, and other diseases.
These areas include the skin, central nervous system, kidney, and digestive tract.