"When you said families were the victims, does that include kids?"
It catered to a young audience, whose demographics included kids in high-school and college; from the aspirational to the affluent backgrounds.
But the purpose of the Constitution was pretty simple--to secure the blessings of liberty for people, and that included kids.
International kids include kids from Spain, France, Japan, China, Canada, and many other countries around the world.
"Our big emphasis is on discovery, and now that will include kids in wheelchairs," Ms. Swaim said.
Third Culture Kids include military brats, missionary kids, diplomatic kids, and business kids.
Child's Play (includes kids from both American and British versions)
They beat the black man in the park but are part of a friendly crowd that includes black, Hispanic and white kids.
This includes kids, parents, staff members, students and faculty at the University of Chicago, colleagues, and so forth.
What other reason would you have for including kids on a trip?