The illnesses included lesions, respiratory problems, and memory loss.
The operation completely overhauls a person's body structure and also includes lesions upon the brain, which makes them compliant and less likely to cause conflict.
Symptoms include dark lesions and shoots from the buds that are stunted and black.
Symptoms include lesions on the sheath of the plant, which feed off the nutrients within the plant.
Symptoms include lesions of the leaves, stem and pods of the plant.
Symptoms include reddish, raised, sometimes ulcerative lesions on the lips, muzzle, and in the mouth.
Symptoms of classic Kaposi sarcoma may include slow-growing lesions on the legs and feet.
Possible complications of balloon embolectomy include intimal lesions, which can lead to another thrombosis.
Typical visible symptoms include rash-like patches, tumors, or lesions.