Common symptoms include abdominal pain, weakness, lethargy, and unintended weight loss.
Symptoms include lethargy, pale mucus membranes, and blood in the urine.
Other signs include lethargy and loss of appetite.
Side effects include nausea, diarrhea, lethargy, headaches, dehydration, and much more.
Effects on the vascular system and brain include headaches and lethargy, but are less frequent.
Other symptoms include eye pain, chest pain, lymphadenitis and lethargy.
Symptoms include hair loss, weight gain, muscle loss, and lethargy.
Others include sudden fever, lethargy and vomiting, he said.
According to other sources, symptoms of mild hypercapnia might include headache, confusion and lethargy.
Symptoms vary but can include lethargy, jaundice and vomiting, she said.