The opening show there included lithographs by Renoir secured through his work as a dealer for Daniel Wildenstein.
The yearlong exhibit includes charts, a chronometer, prints, lithographs and documents.
The 84 works on view, which include drypoints, lithographs and woodcuts spanning most of Beckmann's career, represent nearly a quarter of his print production.
The works date from 1900 to 1932 and "include lithographs, portraits, watercolors and sketches - plus nine Cubist collages."
This includes lithographs, etchings and some early 20th century British paintings.
Mr. Hart's collateral for a 1984 loan included lithographs by Robert Raushenberg.
The collection includes Dalí's strange sculptures (most in reproduction), lithographs, many of his illustrations and furniture (including the famous 'lips' sofa).
Each issue satirized political and literary events of the day and included lithographs by the best-known graphic artists in Paris.
Huet's works, which include oil paintings, watercolors, etchings, and lithographs, are Romantic in feeling.
Forgers of modern works tend to focus on prolific artists whose legacy includes paintings, sculptures, drawings, engravings and lithographs.