All of his surviving music is vocal, and includes madrigals and motets, some of which were probably intended for performance as intermedii, musical interludes between acts of plays.
The program is to include lesser-known madrigals from the 18th and 19th centuries as well as traditional carols for the audience to sing (267-6425 or 633-1382).
His secular music includes madrigals and canzonettas; some were famous enough to be anthologized by Thomas Morley in England.
His works are chiefly vocal, and include madrigals, anthems and services.
The lost publications include madrigals, canzonette and motets, published in Brescia and Venice.
The program includes Gregorian chants, madrigals, ballads, Italian and European medieval music and Renaissance songs and dances.
Jhan's secular music includes madrigals and at least one chanson.
Selections will include unaccompanied madrigals and rounds in Baroque, jazz and blues styles.
Other music by Gagliano includes secular monodies and numerous madrigals.
The program includes madrigals, songs for Christmas and Hanukkah and a carol sing-along.