Since then, Cumberland has expanded its academic program to include new majors and specialized student-learning opportunities.
The Bachelor of Business Administration includes majors in:
Other ranks included majors of the court-martial and officers in charge of camp followers.
Biological sciences include: biology, biochemistry, botany, genetics, microbiology, zoology, and other majors as defined by the respective university.
In the 1940s the School expanded its undergraduate offerings to include majors in accounting, commerce, finance and political science and the School grew to almost 2,000 students.
N.F.L. scouts say that this group of college players includes pre-med majors and law-school candidates, and that over all, they are impressed with the group's maturity and focus.
The School of Religion includes majors for both men and women, although only men (approximately 500 per year) train as ministerial students.
Some examples of officer ranks would include captains, majors, and lieutenants, but not sergeants, who are sometimes called non-commissioned officers, or NCOs.
The curriculum expanded to include new majors and minors, computers made appearances throughout the faculty and staff offices, and a program for non-traditional students was created.
The college has evolved over the years to include numerous majors all focusing on the motto, "Knowledge for Real Life."