Standouts include ostrich meatballs, boerewors (spicy sausage) and grilled New Zealand lamb.
Apart from famous meat platters most of which include meatballs, naturally dried fruits and vegetables and using them in main dishes is unique to Elazığ cuisine.
Trendy food items in the 2000s and 2010s (albeit with long traditions) include doughnuts, cupcakes, macaroons, and meatballs.
That includes spaghetti and meatballs, not exactly a specialty of his restaurant's namesake region.
The most typical dish is "cocido con pelotas", which includes meatballs and potato and chickpea stew.
This includes: meatballs made of fish, chile rellenos filled with crab, and their famous Sinaloa style shrimp Cevichi.
Usually tapas include seafood, meatballs, salad vegetables, fried fish, and olives.
Here, they include paella, grilled prawns, meatballs, tripe, and snails and cost between €7 and €15.
The menu includes sausages, meatballs and even stuffed goose.
Meat dishes include meatballs with almond sauce and pork loin with plums.