Jägers can act on their own or with the support of artillery units which include light or heavy mortars.
Weapons considered include projectiles, missiles, bombs, rockets and mortars.
Other heavy artillery included mortars and mines deployed by sappers against fortress walls.
Their weapons include more than 100 artillery pieces ranging from 105-millimeter to 155-millimeter, as well as numerous 82-millimeter and 120-millimeter mortars.
The batteries included mortars placed when the fort was created, dating to 1910.
The front bunker of a trench system usually includes machine guns or mortars and forms a dominant shooting post.
These forces included helicopters, armored vehicles, mortars and machine guns which were turned without warning on civilians in the two villages.
The weapons seized include machine guns, rifles, rocket launchers, grenades and mortars.
That instruction includes intelligence, communications, reconnaisance, river operations and mortars, American officials said.
The delivery vehicles Iran possesses includes artillery shells, mortars, rockets, and aerial bombs.