Popular tales include narratives where mothers save the family from armed robbery and other incidents by taking the automobile off road, for example.
The oral literature recorded for the Kiliwa includes narratives that can be assigned to each of these categories.
Some examples include quotations, statistics, history, narratives, political cartoons, anecdotes, and pop culture references.
This book includes narratives from a variety of sources that illustrate life in Latin America during the last six centuries.
The poem includes several other secondary narratives, including a section in which the puzzle itself is put together.
The information included the expected names, dates, and locations, and narratives from investigators.
The oral literature recorded for the Paipai is rather limited but includes narratives that can be assigned to each of these categories.
Coverage in 2008 included personal narratives of election day and breaking updates during the Mumbai terrorist attacks.
Many of his earlier works for Dragon also include detailed narratives.
The rest of the industry has gotten the picture - and it does not include spellbinding narratives.