Side effects include headache, irritability, nervousness, and gastrointestinal problems.
Some of the potential side effects included hyperactivity, impaired judgment, nervousness, and wild mood swings.
Most people who experience a traumatic event will have reactions that may include shock, anger, nervousness, fear, and even guilt.
Symptoms include severe nervousness, worry, jitteriness, and the inability to go to work, attend school, or be with other people.
Side effects may include nervousness, poor concentration, nausea, and vomiting.
These may include a rapid heartbeat and nervousness as well as improved breathing.
Side effects may include mild dizziness, nausea, nervousness and headaches.
These reactions included "nervousness, sleep disturbances, and fear of going into certain rooms in the home" (p. 466).
In elk, behavioral changes may also include hyperexcitability and nervousness.
More common side effects include nervousness and sleep disturbances.