For this year, the awards categories were expanded from 10 to 12 to include nominations for best supporting actor and best supporting actress.
The selection process included nominations by trade paperback editors, who were permitted to name one book annually from their trade catalogs.
This list includes the achievements, nominations and awards of pop/jazz artist, Dalma Kovács:
The delegates voted to run the party banner in the next territorial election, and that includes contested nominations.
She has an extensive resume that includes multiple nominations for Genie Awards and Gemini Awards.
Other accolades include nominations for the Malaysian Cleo Young Achievers Award 2008.
These include racial quotas, ethics and nominations for Administration jobs.
These included nominations for Best Comedy Series and Best New Series.
These do not include nominations (or wins) in the Best Original Song category.
The seven categories included nominations in the areas of interactive television, On Demand television, the Internet, and personal media display and presentation technology.