Its OT observances include circumcision of newborn boys, use of the Hebrew calendar, wearing of yarmulkes, observance of Saturday as the Sabbath, and celebration of Passover and other religious holy days specified by the Bible.
The subjects that the Code of Hammurabi covers are similar to modern legal codes, for it includes religious observance, social conduct and occupational duties which covers military and contractual obligations as well as the control of slavery throughout all of Babylon at that time.
The doctrine also includes observance of the Sabbath and the belief in the medium of prophecy.
Motivations claimed by supporters of drug prohibition laws across various societies and eras have included religious observance, allegations of violence by racial minorities, and public health concerns.
The Islamic rites include the recitation of Quaranic verses and observance of Fatiha ritual.
In May 2007 the RS Constitutional Court overruled a Vital National Interest veto by Bosniaks in the RS Council of Peoples, thus enabling the RS National Assembly to pass the Law on Holidays in the RS, which includes observance of RS Day on January 9.
Its Jewish observances include circumcision of newborn boys, use of the Hebrew calendar, wearing of yarmulkes, observance of Saturday as the Sabbath, and celebration of Passover.
The Islamic rites performed during the festival include the recitation of Quaranic verses and observance of Fatiha (it includes; recition of Al-Fatiha an essential part of daily prayer and Durood).
This included scrupulous observance of birthdays at lunch together, with sherry and sometimes cake.